How does Lodgik Hosting compare?
Have a look at what we offer at Lodgik and how it compares to other popular WordPress hosting options.
Compare Lodgik's unique hosting features with others
There are a lot of WordPress hosting services out there. And some are very cheap. But when you look at our product comparison breakdown, you’ll see the benefits of choosing Lodgik.
NOTES: The features listed above highlight the product feature comparison between Lodgik and other platforms. If you’d like to compare Lodgik with another platform you’re reviewing or have specific questions, please contact us and we’ll fill in the blanks.
* Bandwidth Restrictions – Lodgik does not have any set bandwidth caps. However, if a site is using an extraordinary amount of bandwidth, the owner will be contacted and restrictions may be applied if abuse is determined. So far, we’ve never had to come close to doing this.